


Every story in The Herd is unique, and now’s your chance to share yours with the world. Our RARE. IS campaign invites you to highlight what makes you and your journey truly RARE. Whether you’re living with a rare disease, supporting someone who is, or advocating for mental and physical health, your voice matters.

How It Works

  1. Download the RARE. IS Template: It’s a simple way to fill in your story and personalize your message.
  2. Add Your Words: Share what “RARE. IS” to you—your strength, resilience, uniqueness, or advocacy.
  3. Spread the Message: Post your completed template on social media, tagging us @FindYourRARE., and use the hashtags #RareIs #TheHerd #RareDiseaseDay - to connect with the community and be featured on our website submit your completed template here.

Why It Matters

The RARE. IS campaign is more than a collection of stories—it’s a powerful testament to the strength, unity, and diversity within the rare disease community. By sharing your voice, you’re helping to:

Get Started Today

➡️ Download your RARE. IS template.

➡️ Submit your photo to our community board.

Your Story is Your Power